Photography by:
  • Amanda van der Walt

Movement Johannesburg

  • Nov 2015
  • GCRO

Movement Johannesburg is a new publication that examines the historical and contemporary movements that have and continue to shape Johannesburg. Edited by Zahira Asmal and GCRO...

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Applications Open: Systems Manager/GIS Professional

  • Nov 2015
  • GCRO

A key part of GCRO’s success has been the analysis and visualisation of spatial data. This is reflected in the Analytics, Cartographies and Visualisation research theme, and various outputs such as the...

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Gold mining exploits published in Scenario Journal 5

  • Nov 2015
  • GCRO

Guy Trangoš and Kerry Bobbins have published an article entitled ‘Gold Mining Exploits and the Legacies of Johannesburg’s Mining Landscapes’ in the fifth edition of the...

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GCRO presents to officials in the Indian civil service

  • Oct 2015
  • GCRO

On 19 October 2015, GCRO hosted 27 senior members of the Indian Administrative Services on an IIHS-organised study tour into urbanisation and governance in South Africa...

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Smart | City | Region Symposium and Exhibition

  • Oct 2015
  • GCRO

‘Smart city’ research is a recent academic focus, particularly in relation to cities in the global south. As Gauteng and its municipalities explore advanced technologies in order to streamline…

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Re-visiting Africa’s Political Economy Landscape

  • Oct 2015
  • GCRO

Claudious Chikozho presented a paper entitled ‘Re-visiting Africa’s Political Economy Landscape: Comparatively Articulating the National Macro-Economic Policy and Institutional Trajectories...

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