The Oxford 2010 Ngo Future of Work Prize
GCRO Senior Researcher, Sizwe Timothy Phakathi, has received the Oxford 2010 Ngo Future of Work Prize for his research paper (drawn from his PhD thesis): Getting on and getting by: the gold miners’ informal working practice of making a plan (planisa).
The 2010 Ngo Future of Work Prize was awarded to Sizwe on the 25th September 2010 at Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford. The annual Ngo Future of Work Prize is awarded annually to an aspiring researcher who has contributed significantly to the growing body of knowledge enabling people to understand the future of work. This prize is open to all disciplines and work-related research.
To find out more about the Ngo Future of Work Prize, click the link below:

Sizwe Timothy Phakathi receiving his Ngo Future of Work Prize from Professor Martin Seeleib-Kaiser at the Prize Ceremony held on the 25th September 2010 at Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford.