Governance and partnerships at World Urban Forum 2018

  • GCRO
  • Date of publication: 14 February 2018

The ninth session of the World Urban Forum, was held from 7–13 February 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme for event was “Cities 2030, Cities for All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda” and placed focus on the New Urban Agenda as a tool to achieving Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

A focus area of WUF 9 was the role of data and research to inform policy and decision making in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The role of urban observatories as an important part of developing insight into urban challenges was highlighted throughout the event.

The GCRO hosted a session at the World Urban Forum examining the importance of governance and how the relationship between the GCRO, as an urban observatory, and Gauteng Provincial Government provides a means for evidence based policy making. Presentations were given by Dr Carla Washbourne (University College London) and Rashid Seedat (representing provincial government), along with Dr Rob Moore and Gillian Maree of the GCRO. The discussion focused on the GCRO as a globally unique model for a successful science-policy interface and evidence-based policy making. The event gave the GCRO team the opportunity to share experiences and reflect on setting up urban observatories with other organisations and government partners, like Iskandar Malaysia Urban Observatory (IMUO).

The GCRO also contributed to a Gauteng Province stand in the exhibition hall. Based on the exhibition developed for the Seoul Biennale on Architecture and Urbanism in 2017 the exhibition allowed visitors to explore different aspects of the Gauteng city-region. The exhibition can be viewed here.

It was announced at the Forum that Gauteng Province will host the Metropolis Annual General Meeting in Johannesburg from 27-31 August.


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