Photography by:
  • Gareth Pon & Amanda van der Walt

GCRO website and dissemination (2015)

  • Complete

The primary purpose of this project was to provide a mechanism through which the GCRO’s online presence could be managed, and the organisation’s research, news and events disseminated.

Of the GCRO’s key priorities is the dissemination of information in a clear and accessible format suited to policy makers, government employees, academics, and the public. The key output of this project was the redesign of the GCRO website launched in 2015. The website provides access to all past and current projects and all the outputs of the organisation including GIS viewers, interactive data visualisations and our well-known Maps of the Month. It is important that the website and associated products remain technologically advanced, aesthetically cohesive and professional. These platforms continue to present the GCRO as a leading organisation attuned to the latest technological advancements in presenting research in line with global research trends.

The major output of this project has been achieved but the GCRO will continue to work on our online presence to ensure that accessing the GCRO’s array of interesting outputs is an easy and pleasant experience. In addition, as new types of research outputs are considered by the GCRO, the organisation’s online space should remain flexible enough to host them.


The GCRO sends out regular news to update subscribers on our research and events.